Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Updated Design

I just finished a plethora of changes to the blog.  Look around!  I have made a separate page that includes links to my photo albums, so that they are easily accessible, even after the respective blog post is older and hidden somewhere in the dusty archives.  Hopefully there will be a new photo album about once a month.  Also, you should be able to find old posts more easily, as I have categorized and tagged all of my them.  The Tag cloud in the sidebar shows the relative frequency of tags in my posts.  You'll notice that "aglaonemas" is the most prevalent.  If you click on it, you'll find all of the blog posts I have written that are tagged with "aglaonemas," which happens to be 7 right now.

I've started a list of "Links of Interest."  Of course there are many more websites that I frequent.  I will probably be adding to this list quite a bit over the next couple of weeks.

Everything seems to be working correctly, but let me know if you notice any problems.


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